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The youngest of the team

Theodore joined the horsey gang in January 2020 as a 7 month old stallion. He's the most mischievous little pony with the craziest most playful personality.



The naughtiest of the team

Stan was my second ever pony who joined Tess back in September 2015. He was a very inexperienced 4yo who was very nervous around people, he'd never hacked, been cross country, been to a competition or anything. 5 years down the line and this little pony has been to the beach, cross country, the woods, and to lots of competitions... many of which he's had great results at.



My main competition horse of the team

Blue joined the horsey gang back in September 2016, he's my main horse that I like to do a bit of everything with. We've participated in hunter trials, one day events, dressage competitions and lots of training sessions too. But myself and Blue love to show jump, we try to get out competing weekly at different show venues across Lincolnshire.



The oldest of the team

Tess was my first pony who I got back in September 2013, we've done a little bit of everything together, she's the most stubborn and laziest pony ever but I wouldn't change her for the world.

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